Public Endpoints

Get Server Time

If you are encountering BTCTurkAuthenticationError, reason might be time inconsistency between server and your machine. You can get server’s time with this method:

>>> my_client.get_server_time()
  'serverTime': 1613313462021,
  'serverTime2': '2021-02-14T14:37:42.0214779+00:00'

Get Exchange Info

>>> my_client.get_exchange_info()
    'id': 1,
    'name': 'BTCTRY',
    'nameNormalized': 'BTC_TRY',
    'status': 'TRADING',
    'numerator': 'BTC',
    'denominator': 'TRY',
    'numeratorScale': 8,
    'denominatorScale': 2,
    'hasFraction': False,
    'filters': [{'filterType': 'PRICE_FILTER', 'minPrice': '0.0000000000001', 'maxPrice': '10000000', ....],
    'orderMethods': ['MARKET', 'LIMIT', 'STOP_MARKET', 'STOP_LIMIT'],
    'displayFormat': '#,###',
    'commissionFromNumerator': False,
    'order': 1000,
    'priceRounding': False

Get Ticker

>>> my_client.tick()
  'pair': 'BTCTRY',
  'pairNormalized': 'BTC_TRY',
  'timestamp': 1613313834273,
  'last': 350000.0,
  'high': 354975.0,
  'low': 332565.0,
  'bid': 350000.0,
  'ask': 350904.0,
  'open': 332775.0,
  'volume': 1718.94206874,
  'average': 344569.69406522,
  'daily': 18129.0,
  'dailyPercent': 5.18,
  'denominatorSymbol': 'TRY',
  'numeratorSymbol': 'BTC',
  'order': 1000

Get Order book

>>> my_client.get_order_book(pair='BTCTRY', limit=1)
{'timestamp': 1613315997466.0,
'bids': [['349600.00', '0.00518551']],
'asks': [['349830.00', '10.62911645']]

Get Trades

>>> my_client.get_trades(pair='BTCTRY')
    'pair': 'BTCTRY',
    'pairNormalized': 'BTC_TRY',
    'numerator': 'BTC',
    'denominator': 'TRY',
    'date': 1613316100877,
    'tid': '637489129008759423',
    'price': '349000.00',
    'amount': '0.00500000',
    'side': 'sell'